Justice for 2 stray dogs used as bait!!!
This person has to be stopped. His name is Danijel Merzan from Serbia. He takes poor defenceless stray dogs off the street back to his home and uses them as bait against his pitbull.
For the monster anything! Yet Association for the Protection of Animals has filed a criminal complaint against him . Activists on FB, have reacted angrily. The police were at his house, took shots but he is still on the loose. . He is not scared of the police and the Association for the Protection of Animals, no action has been taken against him as the authoritits will not do anything!
He has posted two videos now showing a poor defenceless dog been attacked by 2 of his pitbulls for a very long time and eventually killed. It is absolutely heartbreaking. There is also a shot on the film of a little puppy scared and tied up trying to hide which will also meet the same fate! Also another video has been posted of another small defenceless dog off the street been attacked and killed also.
Now he has done another horrific attack which shows a picture of him kicking a very small kitten to death and killing it!!
We must demand that action is taken against this person and stop him from carrying on with this barbaric cruel act!!
Please sign the Petition and demand authorities arrest him for animal cruelty and abuse.
Lets get this scum off the streets and put away before it costs any more lives please
Zolstavljanje i ubistvo zivotinje je krivicno delo!!! _ Фејсбук