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Chris Anderson: Create a forum for TEDx West Hollywood and reimburse its expenses

Chris Anderson: Create a forum for TEDx West Hollywood and reimburse its expenses

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This petition has been created by Suzanne T. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Suzanne T.
started this petition to
Chris Anderson

TED would supply a platform for a vital dialogue about getting beyond a worldview based on greed where we resolve conflicts by war, and would reimburse the Ex TEDx West Hollywood outlay of $40,000 to produce the program after it lost its sponsorship thanks to TED's unjust action.

See http://theconversation.org/ted-revisited-duck-duck-really-duck for the whole story and http://theconversation.org/ted for emails that Chris Anderson did not respond to that led to the creation of this petition.

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