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Comoros government: Do something about the littering problem

Comoros government: Do something about the littering problem

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This petition has been created by Matic P. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Matic P.
started this petition to
Comoros government
We have just visited Grand Comore and we were shocked to see that there is so much litter everywhere. The sights are extremely heart breaking. We have been in over 40 African countries but have never seen anything like that before. They have managed to cover basically their entire island in trash. We are not sure whether habitants are just that ignorant or uneducated but they throw every container (trash) right on the ground or even straight into the ocean.
From the esthetics point of view this is entirely their local problem, however the polluting of the environment concerns us all as each crime against mother nature (which littering is) is essential a crime against the entire human race. Furthermore, most of their towns and villages are located along the coastline consequently a lot of litter ends up in the ocean killing marine wildlife.
It's up to the government of Comoros to in force penalties to those caught littering, to organise mass clean-ups, and reward individuals willing to perform regular clean-ups. But first they must set up at least some basic infrastructure regarding garbage management as currently there are no trash bins/cans to be seen on the streets.
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