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Craigslist:  Stop advertising Animals on your website and subjecting them to abuse and murder!

Craigslist: Stop advertising Animals on your website and subjecting them to abuse and murder!

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This petition has been created by Robin V. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Robin V.
started this petition to
Jim Buckmaster, CEO, Craigslist
Puppy Doe" is the latest animal victim who was 'rehomed' through Craigslist. She fell into the hands of an unspeakable sadist who tortured her for months on end. Her wounds were unsustainable and when she was finally rescued, she had to be euthanized. Many dog fighters get their supply of bait dogs courtesy of Craigslist as do people who delight in abusing cats, bunnies, mules and horses. We demand that Craigslist stop advertising animals on its website.
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