
Curb Govt Expenditure on Self-Glorifying Advertisements!
Rohan C.
started this petition to
The Chief Justice of India - Hon'ble Mr. Justice P. Sathasivam
Over the last few years, crores of rupees have been spent on wasteful expenditure that glorify dead and living politicians. This is the tax payers money that the citizens earn through their sweat and hard work and it pains me to see it go waste. This money could have been used to save the lives of starving children, to provide immediate care to the Uttarakhand victims or the million other causes that require our resources.There is little doubt that this money can be used to achieve better ends.
There are state elections due later this year and central elections in 2014. The Delhi government has already spent tons of money glorifying its achievements - in national newspapers, on bus stands and in the Delhi metro. It is daunting to imagine the kind of taxpayers' money that will be spent by MPs to glorify the dead and their achievements in the run up to the national elections. The opportunity cost of this money is immense.
A PIL (WP(Civil) Case No. 305/2007) is already pending in the Supreme Court of India since 2007 regarding the same. Over the last 6 years, only affidavits have been filed by the various governments and no action/stay orders have been issued. The next hearing is due on 7th October 2013. Lets urge the SC to expedite the proceedings of this case and/or issue a stay order to curtail the spending arms of the governments.
There are state elections due later this year and central elections in 2014. The Delhi government has already spent tons of money glorifying its achievements - in national newspapers, on bus stands and in the Delhi metro. It is daunting to imagine the kind of taxpayers' money that will be spent by MPs to glorify the dead and their achievements in the run up to the national elections. The opportunity cost of this money is immense.
A PIL (WP(Civil) Case No. 305/2007) is already pending in the Supreme Court of India since 2007 regarding the same. Over the last 6 years, only affidavits have been filed by the various governments and no action/stay orders have been issued. The next hearing is due on 7th October 2013. Lets urge the SC to expedite the proceedings of this case and/or issue a stay order to curtail the spending arms of the governments.
(Updated )
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