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Dacorum Borough Council have saved the trees!

Dacorum Borough Council have saved the trees!

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This petition has been created by John B. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
John B.
started this petition to
David Collins, Portfolio Holder, Dacorum Borough Council
DBC have just posted on their facebook site that they are submitting a revised planning application that does not require the trees to be removed! Well done everyone for your support and people power!

At some point over the next few days , in preparation for putting in a TEMPORARY car park, Dacorum Borough Council (DBC) plan on felling several trees on the Moor in Berkamsted, including an ancient 250 year old horse chestnut . Once they are gone, they will not come back for generations.

The planning officer will imminently be giving the final go-ahead for the works , and so now is our final chance to appeal to the humanity of the officers on the council and to demonstrate the breadth and depth of feeling on the preservation of trees in Berkhamsted .

The main reason given by DBC for cutting down these trees is to ensure there is sufficient line of sight for cars turning in to the car park. This is a very strict interpretation of the guidelines, and does not take into consideration the speed of traffic on Mill Street, given the narrowness of the road and the existing traffic calming speed bumps.

The DBC report also said the trees are “not trees of value and are in a poor state”. Well, they are of value to us, and a local arborist has challenged the assertion.

Please sign this petition to urge DBC to to preserve these trees , with an alternative such as improved signage or introducing a temporary one-way system while the car park is in use.

The annual fair has no problem setting up, with lorries arriving on the Moor, so there is no reason why cars cannot access it safely.

To increase the chance of putting a stop to this, please email DBC Chief Executive Sally Marshall (chiefexecutive@dacorum.gov.uk), portfolio holder David Collins (also a Berkhamsted Town Council member, contacted at david.collins@berkhamstedtowncouncil.gov.uk) and the Lead Planning Officer Rachel Marber (rachel.marber@dacorum.gov.uk) to let them know your feelings and suggestions.

Berkhamsted Town Council are holding a meeting of their Transport & Environment committee on Monday 24 Sept from 1930 (at their meeting room in the Civic Centre) – David Collins will be present, and the trees are on the agenda. The more people who turn up, the more the council will know the of feeling on these trees.

Please be constructive and not abusive, otherwise the affect might not be a positive one.
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