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EU governments and diplomatic corps: a public appeal for action about the Yemen humanitarian crisis

EU governments and diplomatic corps: a public appeal for action about the Yemen humanitarian crisis

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This petition has been created by dragapotocnjak@guestarnessi D. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
dragapotocnjak@guestarnessi D.
started this petition to
EU governments and diplomatic corps
In the name of humanity, solidarity and responsibility, and in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, taking into account the respect for human life, we appeal to you to play an active role in the process of solving the humanitarian crisis in Yemen. Despite all appeals and warnings, issued by the United Nations and humanitarian organizations, to draw attention of the international diplomacy, cries for help of victims of the war in Yemen have been met by silence. The three–year long conflict that world media named "The Forgotten War", has caused the biggest humanitarian catastrophe of the 21st century. Therefore, it should be stopped! Crimes, committed by warring sides and the consequent agony of the Yemeni citizens should be stopped now!

For the people of Yemen, ending the war is a matter of life and death. For the so-called democratic world, helping to end the war may be one of the last chances to affirm its commitment to humanity and dignity of people. The absurdity and cynicism of our times have reached their limits, if not already surpassed them. Instead of trying to save the planet, the human race and its elected political leaders are on the route to self-destruction.

As civil initiative and citizens of the world, we are therefore asserting our initiative - our civil and moral responsibility towards our civilization. We call attention to the immense and intolerable suffering of Yemeni people, who will die unless we stop this senseless massacre. The numbers of victims are staggering, raising daily. Today, 5.2 million children are in danger of dying from hunger. The statistics reveal that 35% of all citizens are undernourished. The cholera has reached all Yemeni provinces. According to findings of the NGO, Save the Children, in the last three years, 85.000 children under the age of five have died because of this war. Entire generations do not go to school. Millions of people are displaced and homeless. 21 million of Yemeni citizens urgently need humanitarian aid!

Therefore, we:
  1. 1. call on diplomats of the European Union,  and the international community to actively participate in actions to end the war in Yemen,
  2. 2. ask for your support for the arrival of the UN peace keeping forces to Yemen, so that the distribution of the humanitarian aid will be possible in the port of Al Hudayda, while the international peace negotiations are taking place at the conference to end the war in Yemen,
  3. 3. ask for your support that Al Hudayda becomes a safe haven as soon as possible, because it is the only  port of entry for the humanitarian aid,
  4. 4. ask for your pledge that the citizens of Yemen will receive enough food, medicine and other aid, in order to prevent hunger and massive death,
  5. 5. ask for your effort to achieve an immediate opening of the Sana Airport.

It is unforgivable that in the 21st century, some vulnerable countries have been turned into mass concentration camps. When we see pictures of emaciated children, thin as feathers, dying in full view of the world, we cannot but think of the former death camps. During the WWII, people were transported into camps to be murdered, but now people are being murdered in their homeland. This is unacceptable. It is against the principles of civilization. It is inexcusable to murder a human being. And it is even a greater crime to murder children! Children, innocent children, are the most vulnerable targets. Why must they die? For the sake of greed and human evil. For the sake of human vampires, who lack basic humanity and possess no empathy.

Stop! No more!

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