Enough is Enough: The Anene Booysen End Rape Campaign
Stephen N.
started this petition to
Jacob Zuma President of South Africa.
The brutal gang rape of the 17 year old girl in Bredasdorp in the Overberg and her death has hit us all hard.
Anene Booysen died on Saturday night in a Cape Town hospital. She was found barely alive on a construction site early Saturday morning. Her legs were broken and her stomach cut open.
When the young girl's body was found, she had been cut open from her stomach to her genitals- the sign left by the perpetrators that they had destroyed the very power within her, the power of a woman to give life. By severing the womb, they severed her humanity. Only men who have no respect and regard for their own humanity and life can do such a thing.
I appeal to all. Let us walk together. Let us carry each other, lets make each other strong. Uncles, mothers, fathers, sisters, cousins, brothers, colleagues, friends, comrades and sons. Let us take this fight to the streets. Let us not be led by the political parties and unions. Let us have the courage for once to lead ourselves, to take up the fight. This is a fight for all in South Africa. Enough is Enough.
Anene Booysen died on Saturday night in a Cape Town hospital. She was found barely alive on a construction site early Saturday morning. Her legs were broken and her stomach cut open.
When the young girl's body was found, she had been cut open from her stomach to her genitals- the sign left by the perpetrators that they had destroyed the very power within her, the power of a woman to give life. By severing the womb, they severed her humanity. Only men who have no respect and regard for their own humanity and life can do such a thing.
I appeal to all. Let us walk together. Let us carry each other, lets make each other strong. Uncles, mothers, fathers, sisters, cousins, brothers, colleagues, friends, comrades and sons. Let us take this fight to the streets. Let us not be led by the political parties and unions. Let us have the courage for once to lead ourselves, to take up the fight. This is a fight for all in South Africa. Enough is Enough.
(Updated )
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