
Equality and Human Rights for Men in State Pensions
Roger B.
started this petition to
Maria Miller MP, Jo Swinson MP, Nick Clegg MP, Iain Duncan Smith, Steve Webb MP, David Cameron MP, William Hague MP, Duncan Hames MP
In 1959 Harold Macmillan signed the European Convention on Human Rights. It committed that the UK would not discriminate on the grounds of sex.
The UK has though continued to discriminate against men on the grounds of sex in state pension provision in breach of this commitment.
The UK is the only EC state to discriminate in this manner, to deny men their human rights, to deny men equality.
Legislation introduced by Secretary of State Iain Duncan Smith and the coalition government discriminates against men. It grants women a state pension entitlement commencing this year, yet men born on the same day must wait until 2017 (even though life expectancy is significantly less,) a discrimination against men under current legislation to the value of £17,000.
The discrimination is also in breach of the Commonwealth Charter presented to parliament by William Hague in March 2013.
The UK has though continued to discriminate against men on the grounds of sex in state pension provision in breach of this commitment.
The UK is the only EC state to discriminate in this manner, to deny men their human rights, to deny men equality.
Legislation introduced by Secretary of State Iain Duncan Smith and the coalition government discriminates against men. It grants women a state pension entitlement commencing this year, yet men born on the same day must wait until 2017 (even though life expectancy is significantly less,) a discrimination against men under current legislation to the value of £17,000.
The discrimination is also in breach of the Commonwealth Charter presented to parliament by William Hague in March 2013.
(Updated )
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