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Erna Solberg  PM in Norway:  Asylum to Yasmin a sex slave from the age of 10

Erna Solberg PM in Norway: Asylum to Yasmin a sex slave from the age of 10

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This petition has been created by Angela V. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Angela V.
started this petition to
Erna Solberg PM in Norway
Yasmin is a fictive name of a real woman who has known nothing else but suffering her entire life. Kidnapped at 10 years old and raped by the man who later sold her in countries all over Europe, she was a modern day slave until she escaped in Norway. However, Norway has no protection for those who escape from trafficking or those who provide information about human trafficking. She is completely incapsitated by the trauma of a life of unending suffering. She has no one to go to and faints several times a day. She requires care and compassion. She gave birth to two children during her captivity. Both babies were taken from her at birth. How can Norway deport a person so in need of compassion? She could not give exact information about her captor because she can not read or write. This is why her case has been closed and she is to be sent back to a country where it is confirmed she will receive no help. I ask again, how can Norway send away someone who has been a slave; who has been denied every right inherent to every human being and every joy we all take for granted? Please help this woman by signing the petition and bring to the attention of the Norwegian government the sickening injustice of this case.please read://www.nrk.no/magasin/sexslaven-norge-vil-kaste-ut-1.12307908atch :
Her case will be appealed in June.

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