Facebook – amend breastfeeding-photo guidelines!
Stop equating pornography with child-breastfeeding!
Amend guidelines so that ‘no exposed breast ’ reads ‘except in the context of child-breastfeeding’ .
Establish a breastfeeding team to quickly reinstate wrongly deleted photos. Train monitors so deletions don’t occur.
Become more socially responsible.
Stop discriminating against breastfeeding women!
FB’s breastfeeding-photo regulations are inconsistent. FB’s monitors are badly managed and inadequately controlled. FB discriminates against breastfeeding (bfdg) women. FB ignores complaints. In 2008 a petition page, ‘Hey Facebook, Breastfeeding is Not Obscene’, was set up. In 2010 FB changed format and capped group numbers for porting-over – thus, of 258,000, FB removed 257,000!
FB’s definition of what is unacceptable: an exposed non-feeding breast
YET FB deletes photos that do not infringe––
see photo above and also here for some samples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QEVRSKM2zbg&sns=fb
Sharing of these deleted photos results in 30-day bans and the disabling of accounts; including bfdg-support pages. A text reference to a particular photo or an objection to FB’s action leads to bans.
FB says it is protecting minors YET pornographic/pedophiliac images aren’t removed! FB says crushed heads, deep flesh wounds, excessive blood and foreplay are OK, making further mockery of this claim. BFDG IS NORMAL, NATURAL, NOT OBSCENE OR PORNOGRAPHIC, NOR HARMFUL TO MINORS IN ANY WAY.
FB states that nudity in art is OK, YET artworks showing bfdg are deleted – including Renaissance masterpieces. FB states, ‘Our rules are based on the same standards that apply to television or print media’, YET FB deletes bfdg photos published in the Guardian newspaper and elsewhere.
The WHO recommends children EVERYWHERE be breastfed for 2yrs or beyond. The AAP states, ‘Given the documented short and long-term medical and neurodevelopmental advantages of breastfeeding, infant nutrition should be considered a public health issue and not only a lifestyle choice’. BFDG-PHOTOS AND BFDG-SUPPORT PAGES HELP 1000s OF WOMEN STRUGGLING TO BREASTFEED AND/OR UNSURE ABOUT THEIR ABILITY TO DO SO.
Bfdg photos:
(i)Can demonstrate a good latch. (ii)Show successful bfdg, irrespective of breast size or shape. (iii)Reassure and support women’s confidence and self-esteem.
Please Support Breastfeeding And Breastfeeding Mothers