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FreeJam: Remove EAC (Easy anti-cheat) from their game

FreeJam: Remove EAC (Easy anti-cheat) from their game

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This petition has been created by George M. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
George M.
started this petition to
FreeJam, info@freejamgames.com
EAC is malware, it records keystrokes and it modifies the user OS kernel. it records what you say in chat. it takes screenshots of your game and publicly posts them on their own website for everybody to look at. the data can be found with 1 Google search.

EAC claims to only do this with competetive cs:go games, but they could be lying.... or they couldn't.

With that out of the way though, it has hidden processes. so as the above points may not be true, they must be hiding something.

The robocraft ToS also has some nice info about EAC
(http://robocraftgame.com/download/terms-of-service/) part H under the links subtitle states

"Freejam is using EasyAntiCheat anti-cheat service (“EasyAntiCheat”), which is operated by a third-party service provider offering services to Freejam. EasyAntiCheat has a client software (“Client”) that is integrated into the Robocraft game client. When you start a new game session the Client will automatically load and install its latest version to your PC. When you are using Robocraft on your PC EasyAntiCheat is monitoring the PC, analyzing the Game binaries and scanning the memory of the PC for the purpose of detecting and preventing cheating in the Game (“Purpose”). For the Purpose EasyAntiCheat is storing information regarding cheating methods used in the Game (“Data”). By installing, copying, or otherwise using this Software Product, you give your consent that EasyAntiCheat may gather, store and publish Data for the sole purpose of the Purpose. The Data will be used solely for the Purpose including but not limited to identifying and banning players who are cheating in computer games, analyzing cheating behavior and cheating codes as well as sharing data about cheats with affiliates of EasyAntiCheat."

in that Tos, it sure sounds like spyware, the sentence "EasyAntiCheat may gather, store and publish Data" defiantly implies it. If none of this has convinced you, you need to open your eyes

The solution, it should be to removed entirely.
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