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Slovenia: For the immediate removal of wire fences on the border with Croatia

Slovenia: For the immediate removal of wire fences on the border with Croatia

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This petition has been created by Lev P. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Lev P.
started this petition to
Government of Slovenia
At present, the actions of Slovenian Government in addressing the refugee crisis, in particular building the wired fence on the border with Croatia merit to be called the fall
of humanity and the rise of dictatorship. The government decides in secret and asks no one. In addition, the public opinion is being manipulated through the “public“ media and fear is deliberately spread among the people. Our conviction
is that electoral mandates do not give permission to establish a state of emergency where there is none. Freedom is at stake. We do not want to live in an oasis of well-being that will be secured by the wire. This is a deja vu that we do not want to repeat, it is not the Nazis that are coming, it is people in
need. We call upon the Prime minister of Slovenia to immediately put down the fence/wire on the borders with Croatia!

Trenutna dejanja Slovenske Vlade kot odgovor begunski krizi, še posebej gradnja žičnate ograje na meji s Hrvaško, lahko razumemo kot padec človečnosti in vzpon diktature.
Vlada RS sprejema odločitve netransparantno in brez posveta ljudstva. Poleg tega prihaja do manipulacije javnega mnenja s pomočjo javnih medijev in strah je namensko širjen med prebivalstvo. Naše stališče je, da volilna pooblastila in mandati ne dajejo dovoljenja za razglasitev izrednega stanja tam, kjer ga sploh ni. Za svobodo gre. Ne želimo si živeti oazi blaginje, ki bo zaščitena z bodečo žičo. Gre za deža vu, ki ga nočemo ponoviti, saj ne gre za Naciste, ki prihajajo, ampak ljudje v stiski. Pozivamo slovensko Vlado da se ograja na meji
s Hrvaško nemudoma odstrani!

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