
Dean W.
started this petition to
Government of Yukon
Due to the hard work of many people on many fronts for many months, a landmark legal decision in favour of the Peel's protection has been made!
Thank you to all who dedicated their time and attention, and passion behind this great cause.
Thank you to all who dedicated their time and attention, and passion behind this great cause.
Peel River Watershed
, is one of the worlds last great free watersheds, it is an untouched, eco-rich and biologically diverse corner of the planet. A vast and incredibly beautiful landscape that harbours a great deal of the most valuable commodity on earth; fresh water.
Now, it's protected status has been revoked, and the region has been opened to mining, oil and gas activity by the
That plan, had consulted with and accounted for all relevant citizen parties including the general public and the first nations of the territory. The plans final recommendation was for 80% preservation.
A new plan developed under the premier and installed by the Government of Yukon, opens up 71% of this important ecological hold-out to mining.
The premier's plan, also allows previous and existing mineral claims within the remaining protected zones to stand, effectively reducing the total protected area to less than 20%.
The Peel River region is essentially the Amazon of North America, a hidden treasure in the far north of the Yukon Territory and it needs your help!
This place is an important symbol to the future of fresh water, in the Yukon, but also the rest of the world.
Please help us to send an urgent and clear message to the Government of Yukon, and to the Prime Minister of Canada, that important and sensitive regions in Canada and the rest of the world, have friends and guardians who will stand up for them and for a more ecologically aware and respectful approach from governments.
Now, it's protected status has been revoked, and the region has been opened to mining, oil and gas activity by the
Yukon Government under Premier Darrell Pasloski.
That plan, had consulted with and accounted for all relevant citizen parties including the general public and the first nations of the territory. The plans final recommendation was for 80% preservation.
A new plan developed under the premier and installed by the Government of Yukon, opens up 71% of this important ecological hold-out to mining.
The premier's plan, also allows previous and existing mineral claims within the remaining protected zones to stand, effectively reducing the total protected area to less than 20%.
The Peel River region is essentially the Amazon of North America, a hidden treasure in the far north of the Yukon Territory and it needs your help!
This place is an important symbol to the future of fresh water, in the Yukon, but also the rest of the world.
Please help us to send an urgent and clear message to the Government of Yukon, and to the Prime Minister of Canada, that important and sensitive regions in Canada and the rest of the world, have friends and guardians who will stand up for them and for a more ecologically aware and respectful approach from governments.
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Photo Credit: Juri Peepre
PTP Logo Design: Kaylie-Ann Hummel (Na-Cho Nyak Dun)
(Updated )
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