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Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina: Free Political Prisoner Timoteo Chen Tun

Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina: Free Political Prisoner Timoteo Chen Tun

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This petition has been created by Guatemala S. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Guatemala S.
started this petition to
Guatemalan President Otto Perez Molina
Timoteo Chen is a community leader and health
worker who should be honored for his longstanding commitment to others. Instead Timoteo is in prison for organizing nonviolent action against the theft of indigenous lands by the company Hidro Santa Rita.

Timoteo was arrested while leading a health workshop at a
nearby community and the impact on the area has been devastating. He is one of the few health workers in the
area and has been tirelessly doing this work for over 10 years. His family has fallen into extreme poverty and Timoteo doesn’t even have shoes to protect his feet from the cold cement
floor of the mountain prison he is unjustly being held in.

For more information please visit www.guatemalasolidarityproject.org

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