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Iceland: We call on HS Orka and the Municipality of Grindavík to save Eldvörp

Iceland: We call on HS Orka and the Municipality of Grindavík to save Eldvörp

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This petition has been created by Jóhann Þ. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Jóhann Þ.
started this petition to
HS Orka and the Municipality of Grindavík, Iceland

Hin kyngimagnaða gígaröð Eldvörp stendur frammi fyrir mikilli hættu vegna yfirvofandi tilraunaboranna HS Orku á svæðinu.

Eldvörp eru einstakar jarðminjar á heimsvísu. Hvergi í heiminum má upplifa jarðvirkni milli tveggja jarðskorpufleka líkt og þar. Að auki hefur svæðið að geyma söguleg verðmæti.

Grindavíkurbær hefur nú gefið leyfi til HS Orku til tilraunaboranna á svæðinu, jafnvel þótt Skipulagsstofnun telji að framkvæmdirnar muni stuðla að óafturkræfu raski á Eldvörpum.

Ef við stöndum saman getum við sýnt HS Orku og Grindavíkurbæ að vilji fólksins sé að svæðið verði óraskað svo núverandi og komandi kynslóðir geti notið einstakra upplifanna í Eldvörpum.

Hvetjum Grindarvíkurbæ til þess að afturkalla leyfi til tilraunaboranna í Eldvörpum og HS Orku til að hætta við plön um yfirvofandi framkvæmdir á svæðinu. Ósnortin Eldvörp skipta okkur máli!

Skoðið endilega eftirfarandi myndband frá Eldvörpum eftir Ellert Grétarsson, sem sýnir vel hversu einstakt þetta svæði er:



The geological wonderland of Eldvörp faces imminent danger as construction plans have been approved
that will cause irreversible damage to this unique area .

Eldvörp is a 10 km long crater row in the Reykjanes Peninsula, Southwest Iceland. G rey moss covers the lava, creating mystifying landscapes. Geothermal steam that reaches up to 280°C ascends from cracks and fissures. This geothermal energy was once used by the people of nearby Grindavík town for bread-making, as the dough could be baked in the hot ground. In addition to the area´s geological significance, numerous historic trails and an archeological site is found in Eldvörp. Nowhere on earth can the geological activity between two tectonic plates be experienced as dramatically as here. One can enter the craters and walk between them through lava-tubes and caves. The value of Eldvörp for nature lovers is immense.

However, Eldvörp currently faces great danger. Despite Iceland already having the highest electricity production per capita in the world, local energy company HS Orka, has been permitted by the Municipality of Grindavík to commence experimental drilling in the area for a future geothermal power plant. This would cause irreversible damage to the area, with large drill sites on the crater row itself, destroying the potential to visit and experience this natural world treasure.

The Icelandic National Planning Agency has already stated that this project will cause irreversible damage to the area. If we act together, we can show HS Orka and the Municipality of Grindavík that the world cares about the conservation of unique natural and historic areas like Eldvörp.

Let´s encourage HS Orka and the Municipality of Grindavík to reconsider its decision to approve experimental drilling in Eldvörp. We care about it´s unaltered presence!

For further vistas of the majestic landscapes of Eldvörp, check out the following video by Ellert Grétarsson: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M2FpfwxUf4M

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