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Hawai'i Council Members & Mayor Billy Kenoi: THANK YOU!

Hawai'i Council Members & Mayor Billy Kenoi: THANK YOU!

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This petition has been created by Jack W. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Jack W.
started this petition to
Hawai'i Council Members & Mayor Billy Kenoi
On behalf of the beauty that is Hawai'i, we thank you for voting Bill 113, which bans further GMO crops on Hawai’i island, into law. By doing so, you have consecrated and distinguished Hawaii from the toxic and destructive agricultural practices plaguing the mainland and countries the world over.

Today is a momentous day, perhaps a turning point in the history of the Untied States, towards rescuing our future from the hands of greedy, heartless corporations that do not care about the life of the planet.

Prior to your decision to sign Bill 113 into law, Governor Abercrombie urged that the decision “based on proven science.” After months of testimony from scientists, physicians, and others in the health and agricultural sectors, we are grateful that the sound science revealing the destructive and dangerous track record of GMO farming methods has indeed supported a level-headed and fact-based decision to ban further GMO agriculture on Hawai'i Island. Add to this the heartfelt first-hand experience of all those who testified—those with cancer, immune deregulation, chronic headaches, newborns with birth defects, asthma, and on and on—and the evidence was overwhelming in favor of putting an end to the suffering cause by the GMO biotech juggernaut.

Mauyor Kenoi—and Council Members Margaret Wille, Brenda Ford, Valerie Poindexter, Zendo Kern, and Mr. Kanua, and Karen Eoff—you helped us make history today. Rest assured you are passionately supported by thousands in Hawai'i as well as millions more world-wide who also support the banning of GMO foodstuffs until unequivocal certainty is declared for their safety. But how safe can a pesticide-driven industry ever be to a planet and humanity already in peril, due in large part to these very corporations?

You are all heroes and we celebrate this day as a stepping stone from which to create a thriving, sustainable, and pervasively healthful environment in which Hawai'i and its people can thrive. By promoting methods of farming that promote and sustain the environment, we bolster our own survival as a species. This bit of common sense seems to have been lost on the modern world, and our new law is a clarion reminder for what is needed around the world: respect nature first and foremost for its own right. The perk is that we humans get to live better as a result. This is the best security money can't buy.

Through organic and more localized farming we can not only create true prosperity but also restore land that has been mistreated through destructive non-renewable methods.

Big Mahalos again! Here's to starting off the New Year in true integrity...thank you to all who sign here and who resist GMO in your own lives!

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