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Health Professions Council of South Africa: Support Prof Tim Noakes in his quest to improve eating guidelines

Health Professions Council of South Africa: Support Prof Tim Noakes in his quest to improve eating guidelines

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This petition has been created by Karen T. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Karen T.
started this petition to
Health Professions Council of South Africa
Professor Tim Noakes has been reported to the HPCSA (Health Professions Council of South Africa) for advising a mother on Twitter to wean her baby onto a LCHF (Low Carb High Fat) diet and will be facing a hearing on the 23rd of November 2015 to face charges of disgraceful conduct on social media.

The Tweet in question was sent in February 2014 in response to a mother who asked for advice on what to feed her child and Noakes advised her to wean the child onto low carbohydrate, moderate protein, nutrient-dense food. He says, "by that I was implying that she shouldn’t wean the child on to cereals.” The Tweet was reported to the HPCSA by the Association for Dietetics in South Africa (ADSA).

Prof Noakes is a co-author of the Real Meal Revolution, the national bestseller which has sold over 150 000 copies. He has been working on a new book on infant feeding for the past year, which will be released in July 2015. He is a leading proponent of the LCHF lifestyle and has been denigrated in the media for his views. However, the groundswell of support by people following the Banting diet is overwhelming and cannot be ignored.

Please sign this petition to show your support for Prof Tim Noakes and his campaign for improving eating guidelines for infants and adults around the world.
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