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Heroes Season 5/Volume 6 Brave New World

Heroes Season 5/Volume 6 Brave New World

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This petition has been created by Ionut C. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Ionut C.
started this petition to
Tim Kring, NBC
Have you ever seen Heroes? If you haven't I can tell you all you've missed a lot of things. I have seen it and thought that everything ends at Season 4.But in the end I was "disapointed" that the next season (or what I've heard) was canceled by NBC. Why would anybody do such a thing? Lack of resources? I thing maybe not. Bad ratings? Great televisions can't handle a bad rating,and I can tell that there were lot of bad ratings (maybe) because anybody didn't bothered to give them a good rating. It's easy for someone to say "I don't like it" and for those who like it,they just appreciate it without telling it or giving a feedback. Well,that's not good. I'm starting this petition and hope to get as many as signatures as I can,and I would be gladly greatful for you to share this petition. I want Heroes Season 5 to be filmed and continued (and hopefully never end), and I want to see it on television. If I can I could try to help Tim Kring or NBC with everything they need to start producing Season 5. Thank you for your time, I hope to make myself listened.
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