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Dear Minister (Forestry)Thomson: Do not proceed to log 2 new woodlots on Gambier Island.

Dear Minister (Forestry)Thomson: Do not proceed to log 2 new woodlots on Gambier Island.

This petition is closed
50 Supporters

Peter R.
started this petition to
Honourable Steve Thomson (email: FLNR.Minister@gov.bc.ca ) Minister, FLNRO

1. Woodlots are located in a pristine Wilderness Conservation Zone;

2. includes Gambier Lake, a designated Provincial Recreation Site;

3. a community watershed extends across both woodlots;

4. Forest ministry (FLNRO) did not consult with the community when establishing new woodlots;

5. negative impact on recreational trails;

6. negative impact on the local ecosystem;

7. negative impact on views from Gambier Lake and from Howe Sound;

8. negative impact on recreational users and film producers in Metro Vancouver's recreational playground;

9. planned log dump adjacent to the Douglas Bay community subdivision is unwanted; and

10. the value of annual government stumpage fees ($1500) is insignificant compared to recreational values.

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