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Human Rights Appeal: Call for an international trial concerning the recent heavy sentences in Macedonia

Human Rights Appeal: Call for an international trial concerning the recent heavy sentences in Macedonia

This petition is closed
50 Supporters

Logi G.
started this petition to
United Nations, European Commission, European Court of Human Rights, International Community
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We are pleading the European Commission, United Nations, European Court of Human Rights and the international community to put pressure on the Macedonian government to begin an unbiased, fair and transparent review of the evidence and to initiate a re‐trial, under international supervision, regarding the case of the recently convicted Albanians in Skopje, Macedonia.

Recently a group of men from the Albanian minority in Macedonia mainly from the town of Kumanovo, have been issued sentences ranging from 12 to life in prison, following a gun battle in 2015, that left eight police officers and 10 guerrilla fighters dead.

More on the case:

In total 33 men were arrested. Seven of the defendants were handed life sentences Thursday, November 2nd, 2017 and another 13 were sentenced to 40 years in prison. The others got prison sentences from 12 to 20 years. Four of the detainees who also were kept in detention since 2015, were released the same day. The latter were arrested during their sleep!

But there is more to the story...

Family members of some of the convicted have reported that their loved ones never took part in any of the actions for which they are being incriminated. Charges corresponded to planned participation in militant attacks or as the authorities called it: preparing attacks against civilians and "strategic targets".

One of the defense lawyers said: "They should have been released the same day with the other four . " "The long sentences given are absurd considering the accusations for which they were being charged; " Support " and " Logistics " for the guerrilla fighters.

The accused have been kept in detention since 2015. New reports from witnesses state that some of the surrendered detainees have been verbally and physically abused with methods that violate human rights, including torture.

We have reason to believe that sentences given were heavily biased against the Albanian minority who account for 30% of the total population. This minority is often subject to unfair treatment from the Macedonian authorities. In 2001 already there were clashes with the police for more rights.

Hundreds of people have gathered in Macedonia's capital Skopje to protest the heavy prison sentences given to members of the ethnic Albanian group.

The defendants all denied the charges and their lawyers said they would appeal.

"We didn't expect fair sentences, but we also didn't expect such a draconian ruling. It was a classic show trial," Naser Raufi, one of the lawyers for the defense said.
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