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Jacob Zuma: My husband is a healer not a criminal
Sonette H.
started this petition to
Jacob Zuma
14 May 2016: At 2am this morning, we had a visit by 10 policemen, who arrived in 5 cars. Thankfully our dogs behaved. An informer had told the police that we sell medical cannabis oil. Thankfully on my insistence, after offering a round of tea and coffee they searched our entire 6 bedroom home in Noordhaven without waking our 3 children (miracle!). They did wake our international AirBnB guest! They left with my darling husband in the back of the van to Fish Hoek police station. They found 2 small jars of oil and 2 Indica plants. Price to pay for healing a parent and family dog? I will have to educate our 3 boys about the way the world works when they wake up to find dad missing.
UPDATE 3 pm Saturday 14th:
Many miracles happened today. The Police were friendly. The fellow inmates supportive. Young people desperately trying to survive. The Prosecutor allowed him to go home on a warning without having to pay bail (we did have a very good lawyer).
Sadly all the medicine meant for healing is now gone.
PLEASE support the bigger picture and lets stop this madness:
Simon will appear in Simons Town court on Monday morning the 16th. We trust all will be exactly as it should.
Update: 16 May: Case postponed till 5 July 2016
For the record: My apologies, Simon disagrees with the term "healer" ‐ he is not a healer, the plant is the healer.
Case postponed to 30 September 2016.
Case postponed again to 17 November 2016
Update 17 November : ALL Charges withdrawn!
Our heartfelt thanks for all the love and support that we received.
(Updated )
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