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Justice for Journalists in Turkey

Justice for Journalists in Turkey

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This petition has been created by Yuk L. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Yuk L.
started this petition to
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister of Turkey
Journalists are not terrorists. The justice system in Turkey has failed its journalists.

This is why we want your support to make an urgent appeal against the life sentences given to four Turkish journalists Füsun Erdoğan, Ziya Ulusoy, Bayram Namaz , Ibrahim Cicek on 2 November. They are facing the life sentences that condemned them to 3.000 years imprisonment under the anti-terrorism law in Turkey. On the same trial, another journalist Sedat Şenoğlu was sentenced to seven-and-a -half year in prison. They were all accused of being members of the Marxist organisation (MLKP) that is considered illegal by the Turkish government.

To date, at least 42 journalists in Turkey were jailed and most of them were charged under the Turkey anti-terrorism law. They have committed no crime but fulfilled their roles as journalists.

Please help us achieve justice for journalists in Turkey. Together we call for an urgent appeal of the life sentences given to these journalists and the swift review of cases in which journalists are imprisoned because of their professional works. We further call for the decriminalisation of journalists in Turkey's justice system.

Turkey - Set Journalists Free now!

European Federation of Journalists


8.5.2014 Journalists Füsun Erdoğan and Bayram Namaz were released.

Posted (Updated )