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This petition has been created by Munduru M. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Munduru M.
started this petition to
The Uganda police through the Inspector General of police Kale Kayihura, The Uganda Human rights commission, The ministry of internal affairs, The ministry of gender,labor and social development
This is a case of a 23 year old Ugandan female who was gangraped and sodomized by five Pakistani nationals who were also her employers; as a result of the continuous abuse the victim has suffered multiple injuries which include a lose sphincter muscle, psychological torture and she has consequently undergone a surgery which has since left her bedridden. Upon reporting the case two months ago,police arrested the 5 perpetrators however they were all released under unclear circumstances; after media exposure and public outcry two of the five suspects were arrested while the three are still at large. Join us to demand the immediate arrest of the remaining perpetrators, an investigation of the police officers who mishandled this case file and an immediate suspension of YUASA investments who are the employers of the perpetrators in question until investigations into this case and past allegations of crime are finalized. Let us continue to expose sexual violence, help reduce stigma and encourage those who have experienced similar violence to speak out.
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