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Kifco's Avi-Foamguard: Stop this in-humane way of suffocating poultry with foam.

Kifco's Avi-Foamguard: Stop this in-humane way of suffocating poultry with foam.

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This petition has been created by Valerie G. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Valerie G.
started this petition to
Kifco's Avi-Foamguard
It takes this foam over 15 minutes to suffocate chickens. It's an "American Invention" by Kifco, a manufacturer of irrigation equipment in Illinois. They even do this to "free range" chickens and the FDA still allows their meat to be sold as "free range" after this foaming process has been completed. Note the humans in the background watching in white hazmat suits. Just when you think your supporting a good cause, this chicken could have been smothered by foam in it's own bedding. Then later picked up and packaged with the "free range" label on it. Making you feel like you're supporting a better way of farming.

"Researchers and commercial poultry companies recently established that non-toxic water-based foam with a certain bubble size presents a practical, effective, and humane method for mass depopulation. Foam of the right bubble size creates an occlusion in the trachea of birds, causing a rapid onset of hypoxia. The foam that blankets the broiler house induces physical hypoxia—the same cause of death as the approved method using carbon dioxide gas (CO2)."

Eating meat doesn't mean we have to process the animals in an inhumane manner. There is a human way and this is DEFINITELY NOT IT!!! Let's make a difference in the quality of life our farmed animals endure in their last hours. How does foam chicken sound for dinner?



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