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Do not Remove Old Cursor

Do not Remove Old Cursor

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This petition has been created by Davit J. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Davit J.
started this petition to
League of legends
From riot:
"Much like the beloved VHS player that you could no longer keep in your storage closet, we're removing the option to use the old bronze gauntlet from the game."

But why?

That'S what happens when people that never played this game in their live get to decide which user interface objects stay and which get removed.Remeber the ping buttons? Wouldn't have come back even with the outcry that came, if not for a physically disabled player luckily being able to change Rito's mind and even then they didn't add both pings back but only one.

I felt the new icon was just something you put out to do something new, can't stand it, just a distraction when I tried to use it. Now you're forcing everyone onto it, sweet deal are you going to force all gameplay to locked camera next? I mean why have options it just takes up space.

I never liked the newer cursor, I had a hard time keeping track of it during fights. Since I swapped back to the Legacy Cursor, this hasn't been an issue.So the question I have here is why get rid of it now instead of doing it when the new cursor launched? Hell. why get rid of it at all?

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