Let us save unique European wildlife in the region of West Pomeranian Voivodship, Poland.
Bezpieczne O.
started this petition to
Polish Prime Minister Donal Tusk, European Commission President José Manuel Barroso
Natura 2000 Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) and Special Protection Areas (SPA) of the Oder Delta and Szczecin Lagoon are threatened - nearly one million hectares of the habitat of endangered species: White-tailed Eagle, Red Kite, Black Kite, Aquatic Warbler, Lesser Spotted Eagle, Corncrake, Black Stork, Crake, Wolf, Beaver, Bison.
In Poland, on Natura 2000 SACs and SPAs wind turbines are build. They threaten wildlife especially birds. Powerful noise, low frequency noise and vibration produced by wind turbines are an immediate threat to wildlife.
Wind turbine foundations reach 8 m deep to the ground causing imbalance in groundwater - this negatively influences all the ecosystem. It has been proven that wind farms affect human and animal health. Wind farm investors use inaccurate regulations and thus avoid directives forbidding to build wind turbines on Natura 2000 SACs and SPAs.
In Poland, on Natura 2000 SACs and SPAs wind turbines are build. They threaten wildlife especially birds. Powerful noise, low frequency noise and vibration produced by wind turbines are an immediate threat to wildlife.
Wind turbine foundations reach 8 m deep to the ground causing imbalance in groundwater - this negatively influences all the ecosystem. It has been proven that wind farms affect human and animal health. Wind farm investors use inaccurate regulations and thus avoid directives forbidding to build wind turbines on Natura 2000 SACs and SPAs.
(Updated )
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