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Librar a Gorki Águila de absurdos cargos y dejarlo en libertad.

Librar a Gorki Águila de absurdos cargos y dejarlo en libertad.

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This petition has been created by Aleksandra P. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Aleksandra P.
started this petition to
Ministra de Justicia de Cuba Maria Esther Reus González

Porque creo que todos los cubanos merecen juicios justos y la única forma de lograr eso es atravez de la presión de la sociedad internacional.

English translation of the petition:

On Saturday, September 30th police officers arrested Gorki Aguila. He has been suffering from epilepsy since he was a child and had with him two pills of the medication for his disease.
He has documents which prove that those medications were prescribed by a Mexican doctor. The authorities want to bring him to trial for the possession of controlled drugs in Cuba.
The idea of silencing a man whose only crime is free expression and writing songs which lyrics are against the government is savage and unacceptable.
Hereby I call Maria Esther Reus Gonzalez, the Minister of Justice in Cuba to withdraw those absurd charges against Gorki Luis Aguila Carrasco and return him his freedom. I demand from Cuban authorities the respect of Gorki’s right to treat hi disease and his basic human rights.
Yours sincerely,

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