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No Hate at the Games

No Hate at the Games

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This petition has been created by Graeme O. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Graeme O.
started this petition to
Lord Robert Smith
Life for gay people in Uganda is downright scary. Hate lists with names and faces of gay people are on the front page of newspapers, they’re being beaten while they go to the shop, stalked in the streets in broad daylight, and even killed. And now the new anti-gay bill just passed is set to make it much, much worse.

I was a professional cyclist who was always honoured to represent my country. This summer Glasgow will proudly host the 2014 Commonwealth Games. Ministers and presidents from around the world will pour into Scotland to watch their teams in action. Let's make this games not only an event which rightly celebrates the sacrifice, skills and supreme efforts of the athletes and representing nations, but one where we take a stand against those who stir up hate.

In days, Lord Smith and the organising committee of the 2014 games will begin inviting dignitaries. Let's call on them to make sure that Ugandan politicians who backed this bill are off that list, and tell them they are not welcome in the VIP boxes of our country.

Sign now and share this with everyone -- let's let Lord Smith and his organising committee know that Uganda’s decision to pass this bill has appalled right-minded people around the world.
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