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Maxim's Restaurants in Hong Kong: STOP Selling Shark Fin!

Maxim's Restaurants in Hong Kong: STOP Selling Shark Fin!

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This petition has been created by Alex H. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Alex H.
started this petition to
Mr Michael Wu, CEO Maxim's Caterer's Limited (michaelwu@maxims.com.hk), Mr Ben Keswick, CEO Jardine Matheson Group (benkeswick@jardines.com)
Maxim's is Hong Kong's largest restaurant group, with over 50 outlets in the city still serving shark fin soup.

The company has been resisting calls to drop shark fin soup from their set menus, ignoring the will of many Hong Kong people who are against this cruel and unsustainable bad tradition.

Maxim's claim they only serve shark fin soup made from blue sharks, but according to recent scientific evidence, blue shark populations around the world are being wiped out by greedy overfishing.

Is Maxim's going to wait until blue sharks go extinct before it admits that there is a problem?

Maxim's has a firm responsibility to end this practice to save sharks and the marine environment by immediately removing blue shark fin from all its menus, especially its set menus. Just as Hong Kong consumers have a responsibility to stop eating shark fin, restaurant groups like Maxim's also have an equal responsibility to stop selling it.

If you feel as strongly about this issue as we do, please kindly send the decision makers an email. Tell them what you think:‐

Mr Michael Wu, CEO Maxim's Caterers Limited

Mr Ben Keswick, CEO Jardine Matheson Group

Mr Norbert Tan, Director, Maxim's Caterers Limited
(norberttan@maxims.com.hk )

Thank you!
Posted (Updated )