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Ministry Of Defence: Save a Sea King for Moray and Scotland

Ministry Of Defence: Save a Sea King for Moray and Scotland

This petition is closed
50 Supporters

Robert P.
started this petition to
Ministry Of Defence
The iconic yellow Sea King Search and Rescue helicopters will vanish from the skies over the Uk from the end of March 2015 starting with the closure of the flight at RAF Lossiemouth. The two helicopters are destined to be flown south for disposal after which they will no longer be able to fly. If the Morayvia group are able to purchase one it would then have to be transported the length of the country by road back to it's HQ at Kinloss which would be very costly. If we are successful the aircraft would join the Nimrod at our base and would be open for the public to see inside a helicopter which has saved countless lives and assisted in many emergencies. Let common sense prevail and keep a Sea King in Moray. www.morayvia.org.uk

Thank you to all our supporters, we have purchased Sea King XZ592 and we hope to transport it from Gosport in Hampshire back to Morayvia HQ at Kinloss, Moray early in July.

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