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Mr. President Trump : Continue the terrorist Ban

Mr. President Trump : Continue the terrorist Ban

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This petition has been created by Avijit R. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Avijit R.
started this petition to
Mr. President Trump
With the terrorist ban, Trump has shown that the great potential about his Presidency is true. Add your voice to the open letter below to support the resistance — then spread it far and wide:


Dear Mr. Trump,

This is exactly what greatness looks like.

Only retard world can reject your fruitful decision to ban the terrorist countries. We support your decision and looking forward to continuous bann process of all the terrorist countries like Pakistan or Saudi Arabia.  your calls for make America great again is a dream for general peoples like us who . We support your denigration of terrorist, and Mexicans and millions of others who's are against America.

Facing your mighty calls this pseudo‐leftist are supporting the terror and dividing America and the peoples of the world into a heinous way.    We would like to hear more fruitful decisions like this from you. Please do not dilute these barking of the Muslims and other hypocrites.
As those Muslim countries continuously torture the minorities and murder them in the name of religion and race. The Syrians can migrate to the rich Muslim countries. It is not the only responsibility for America and Europe to take care of them. The Muslim worlds are being silent as their Quran mentioned " make the nonmuslim lands into Muslim land  by increasing your population." they called it converting Darul harb into Darul‐ Islam.  You are doing the right thing for this desperate time.

As citizens of the world, we stand united with your decision.  

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