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Make Ecocide an International Crime Against Peace

Make Ecocide an International Crime Against Peace

1 have signed. Let's get to
50 Supporters


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This petition has been created by Jojo M. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Jojo M.
started this petition to
World leaders
Ecocide is the extensive destruction of ecosystems and environments which has severe consequences for people as well as the environment.

To world leaders:

“As concerned citizens of a fragile planet, we call on you to back an international law of Ecocide. We call on you to make ecocide the 5th International Crime Against Peace. Life on Earth as it is now cannot survive if we continue to treat our environment as we are currently doing. We need to back strong measures to make ecocide a crime, to protect humanity and the Earth.”

As it currently stands there is no international law against ecocide. Making ecocide the 5th International Crime Against Peace will protect our environment and make those who destroy it criminally liable. We urgently need laws that put people and planet above profit.
We can make our leaders listen to our demands for change. Let’s show them that ecocide is a grave crime and that this must be put into international law. Sign this petition and share it with your friends!Find out more about ecocide at www.stopecocide.earth

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