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No to bull dozing Mona Vale Hospital (retain as a Feeder to Frenchs Forest Hospital)

No to bull dozing Mona Vale Hospital (retain as a Feeder to Frenchs Forest Hospital)

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This petition has been created by Stacey M. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Stacey M.
started this petition to
NSW Premier, NSW Health Minister, Member for Pittwater
There is little to no information out there regarding the bulldozing of Mona Vale Hospital as soon as FFH is up and running. It is unnecessary. The people of Pittwater deserve to keep their Hospital in particular:

A refurbishment of existing building;
Retaining MVH as a level 3;
Continuing with an A and E;
Maternity ‐ upgrading birthing suites;
Basic inpatient surgical and medical care of geriatric paediatric and palliative care. (Meaning an ICU specialist anaesthetist and surgical support & back up).

This level of hospital has served our community well as feeder for RNSH so why not as a feeder for F.F. We're already aware that the proposed "Private/Public" Hospital model is not working at other Hospitals across the state plus with poor road infrastructure in existence getting from Palm Beach ‐ as south to Mona Vale will be extraordinarily tough in bad weather. As recently as July 2016 Mona Vale was cut off due to flooding at the grave yard (base of Mona Vale Road), Garden Street & Pittwater Road Narrabeen and Wakehurst Parkway flooded ‐ any emergencies would not have been able to make it to FF.

More and more young families are moving into the area hence the need to retain such a basic health facility to ensure the lives of all residents within the Pittwater/Wakehurst community is not lost on trying to reach a Hospital.
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