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NZ Snap Election, NO TPPA.

NZ Snap Election, NO TPPA.

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This petition has been created by Riley B. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Riley B.
started this petition to

John Key is not fit to run our Country and with arrogance ignores what us Kiwis want. He is in the process of signing away our freedom using the TPPA and not many kiwis know about it. If you are wanting to find out how this will affect us as the People of Aotearoa visit (It's Our Future - Kiwis concerned about the TPPA) on facebook. I am speaking out as a New Zealander who is wanting the right to have my say now and in the future and wanting that right for every single Kiwi young and old. Come on NZ stop the guy who is wanting to take away our rights and give them to corporations.

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