
Najib Razak Prime Minister of Malaysia: Deny Nur Fitri a second chance to a scholarship to study
Sabrina M.
started this petition to
Najib Razak Prime Minister of Malaysia
Nur Fitri Azmeer Nordin, 23, of Queensborough Terrace, West London, arrived in the UK from Malaysia as a student at Imperial College last year.The maths scholar was caught in possession of 601 videos and images belonging to category A (abuse involving penetrative sexual activity with children), as well as hundreds of category B and C ones.In total, police found more than 30,000 indecent images and videos of children being abused after they searched his electronic devices.They had been alerted to Nordin after discovering an internet account that had been downloading thousands of sexual abuse videos and images. He is to return to Malaysia with offer to continue his studies in any MARA institution of his choice because he is considered as a national treasure (which I totally disagree!). I strongly believe he doesn't deserve the scholarship. If he wants to continue his studies, he should be paying for it himself and I want his location to be disclosed as I want to know if there is a child predator living near me!
(Updated )
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