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Netflix: To Buy The Rights To Queer as Folk for a Reunion Season Or Movie

Netflix: To Buy The Rights To Queer as Folk for a Reunion Season Or Movie

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50 Supporters

Martha L.
started this petition to
This show has changed a lot of people's lives, including mine.. There were so many issue's that gay people had to deal with that I was not aware of.. This show the issues and I'm forever changed. The story lines that the character had to play just amazed me because I know that's what happens to real people. There were amazing story lines for each character and because of the story lines, we learned a lot from each character. We would like to know how they are doing now after ten years. They made had been just character's but they ended up like family and family has a right to know what they are up too. Plus, there are questions that need to be answered specially about Brian and Justin. Thank you for your time!!!!
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