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No Military Intervention in Syria!

No Military Intervention in Syria!

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This petition has been created by Helin A. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Helin A.
started this petition to
America, President Barack Obama, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, NATO, All Nations, all peoples, US President Barack Obama, United Kingdom Prime Minister David Cameron, France President Nicolas Hollande, Turkey Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan, Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel
The United States, including United Kingdom and France had blamed the Syrian President Bashar al-Assad the use of poison gas against his own people.
Washington wants therefore intervene through a military intervention with the justification in the sign of "humanity" in Syria.
With a "humanitarian intervention" in Syria, the international community can provide for no pacified situation! The dialogue between the government, opposition and civil society is the precondition to stop the violence.
Such military action would plunge Syria into chaos - just as happened with all states that were attacked by NATO forces. Not only that. A military intervention by Western troops in Syria would have incalculable consequences for the Middle East and worldwide. An attack on Assad Regime could worsen the situation in Syria instead of improve.
The experience shows that an intervention prolongs civil wars. The result of the intervention we know as well. Over two years after the fall of Gaddafi there is in Libya again increasingly civil-war-like situation.

We reply with a decided NO to any military intervention in Syria. A war like against Libya must not be repeated. Thousands of people were fell to victim in Libya to the NATO bombs. It shows that democracy is not promoted by force of arms, but rather the cemeteries.
Most victims of war are civilians. Children are completely innocent in wars, but also very threatened. Thousands of Syrian people were killed, but through a military intervention even more innocent people will die.

The sovereignty of the people is inviolable. Only the Syrian people have the right to transform the situation in their country according to their wishes. However, the sovereignty of the Syrian people is not respected, the law is broken. This will lead to the consequences of destabilization of Syria and the whole region.

There is no reason to sympathy for the gas attack, but also little reason to support the NATO war! You cannot fight war with war!

We refuse the logic of escalation and the language of war. The people alone can bring its rulers to change their policies. In this perspective, we make our appeal for peace and call for the formation of a broad peace movement. We do not demand the impossible, we demand peace!!
Therefore: This war must be stopped before it even begins properly. War is not a means of solving conflicts!

STOP preparations for war!
Together for peace!

We, who sign this appeal, want the immediate cessation of military intervention by the West.

Hence our appeal to the United Nations to all national governments worldwide, to all peoples, regardless of your religion and your nation: Please help to stop this senseless war! Please sign this petition!

John F. Kennedy once said: “Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.”

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