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UK citizenship

UK citizenship

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This petition has been created by Rikki L. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Rikki L.
started this petition to
Please sign this petition to help my sister in-law gain UK citizenship.

My sister in-law Kanara Askerova is currently staying with her mum in Basingstoke, kenara applied for a Visa to stay in the UK and was refused. We appealed the decision due to the fact all of her remaining family are here in the UK. Kenara really has no life outside the UK, no home, no job, and no family, we really are all she has. If anyone that knows our story and knows how close we are as a family would understand we are so heartbroken at this situation this is againts our human rights we don't want anything all we want is Kanara to stay here with her family my mum worked so hard all her life to give us everything we always just had eachother it's always just been me my mum my nan and my sister's my nan has passed away a few years and she was living abroad as she was caring for our nan while she was sick once our nan passed away she had  to come to the UK to live with her family
She has been here for a year with her visit visa now it was time for us to apply for a leave to remain visa and she got refused because she's an adult and it's fine for her that live in another country on her own with no family around no one to be there to support her no where to stay because in the laws eyes she's an adult so it makes it ok but no it doesn't make it ok she's a human she's has feelings she has emotions she has a family that love and care for her so much that we won't let this happen this is our human rights and we will not give up this is so heartbreaking for us and we will not give up please stand up with us againts this unlawful decision and help us fight and reunite our family.

Kenara and family have never broken the law, never claimed benefits, and have worked hard to pay off there family home.

My two daughters absolutely adore kenara, my eldest will be broken without her auntie and best friend. Please help us resolve this situation and sign the petition to prevent this visa dismissal.

Just a name and signature is the first step to helping Kenara, please take the time to sign.

Thank you

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