Petition media for coverage of GMO letter from 800 scientists
Petition Major World Media Organizations to report on the open letter from 800 scientists to all governments concerning GMOs which explains why scientists are extremely concerned about the hazards of GMOs to biodiversity, food safety, human and animal health, while demanding a moratorium on environmental releases in accordance with the precautionary principle.
The ISIS open letter is a long ago logical call for action from scientists ignored by the media. Recent research strongly supports this call for action as articulated in the following article explaining amongst other concepts why conventional breeding assisted by genetic markers works better than GM technologies.
As well of Dr Thierry Vrain, a former head of a research group using molecular biology tools with Agriculture Canada, gives reasons why he changed from a supporter of genetically modified foods to an opponent such as the insertion of genes in the genome through genetic engineering interrupts the coding sequence of the DNA, creating truncated, rogue proteins, which can cause unintended effects. It’s an invasive technology.