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President Obama, President Putin, PM Cameron: We call on you to help send a peace group of meditators to the Middle East

President Obama, President Putin, PM Cameron: We call on you to help send a peace group of meditators to the Middle East

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50 Supporters

Jeremy O.
started this petition to
President Obama, President Putin, PM Cameron
Group meditation experiment reduces terrorist incidents by 72%

The tragic events in Paris have brought home to us yet again that terrorism threatens everyone. But this need not be the case. We need not live in fear. A study into the broadcast effect of group meditation shows a 72% drop in international terrorist incidents during a global meditation experiment. We now have the proof that terrorism can be defeated quickly, quietly, at a fraction of the cost of conventional counter terrorism measures and with no collateral damage.

Governments need to look at the research

This groundbreaking research published in the Journal of Offender Rehabilitation shows that, our governments are overlooking a highly cost effective way to quickly bring peace and stability to the Middle East and protect us from terrorist attacks at home. In actual fact, this specific type of group meditation has been proven to work time and time again in peace projects and in controlled research studies around the world.

Fifty research studies show how group meditation can restore peace in 24 hours

Whether governments, security agencies and the media like the idea or not, the simple fact is that groups of specially trained meditators using an advanced form of Transcendental Meditation (often known as TM) calm down fighting and hostility almost immediately when deployed in a conflict zone. Sometimes, the fighting stops, in as little as twenty-four hours. So, we know we now have the technology to stop the war in the Middle East and prevent terrorism in Europe and America. But to deploy this technology, we need your support to help us persuade our governments to look at the research and help set-up a TM based peace group.

The research on the broadcast effect of group meditation is so extensive that John Hegelin a renowned quantum physicist is quoted as saying, "There is more evidence that the group practice of Transcendental Meditation can turn off war like a light switch than there is that aspirin reduces headache pain" . In point of fact, this approach is so consistent, specific and measurable that we can predict that all we need is about 3,000 meditators to trigger a rapid step change in positivity and harmony for the whole Middle East and just 10,000 for the whole planet. Amazing as it sounds, this peaceful effect requires no physical, social or political interaction between the meditating group and the host population. Using group meditation the peace process is activated from the level of the collective consciousness discreetly, spontaneously and in silence.

The obstacle to peace is your disbelief

Unfortunately, group meditation as a peace initiative, although easy enough to arrange, still appears bizarre and unreal to most people. If you are reading about this novel approach for the first time, like many others, you probably don't believe it can work either. There is a simple reason for this and that is that, from a very early age, we are brought up to believe that such things are impossible. As psychologists will tell you, early belief patterns are deeply ingrained and so are difficult to shift. There is a peculiar faculty of the brain that literally filters out from our conscious perception any evidence that conflicts with our existing beliefs. But the fact remains that the truth exists despite our disbelief or ignorance of it. Our responsibility, as concerned global citizens, is to change our beliefs to match the facts not continue to hold irrational beliefs.

Otherwise, because there is no public belief in the power of meditation to restore peace, no government in the G7 nations will have the courage to consider adopting this approach. Always looking to the next election, politicians and their advisers don’t want to appear ridiculous and like the rest of us, they refuse to see what they don’t already believe in.

You can help by signing the petition

Now is the time for you to help persuade our political leaders to open their eyes, take a close look at the research and try something new that actually works. With public support, what have they got to lose? Lets face it; the apparent options open to them are all unpleasant, costly and difficult. They also tend to perpetuate the suffering of the innocent. Whatever else our governments try to do is likely to make the conflict worse. There is now a serious risk of escalation with other Middle Eastern countries hardening their attitudes and feeling the need to join in the fighting. It seems more and more likely that the western nations will start to commit ground forces in the region and we can guess that this is going to be opposed by a resurgent Russian military. The prospects for peace look grim. So, being too embarrassed to try new ideas is no longer an acceptable or responsible option if we want to maintain peace in the Middle East and prevent terrorism and chaos in Europe.

International help is needed

The immediate challenge is to bring enough TM meditators together in one place in or near the Middle East, and this is where international help is needed. But the beauty of using group meditation to bring peace is that no one feels defeated. Everyone wins. It is literally a fact that from one place in or near the Middle East we can create a beautiful influence of coherence and harmony in the collective consciousness, which will radiate around the whole region.

Even the cost of keeping a residual garrison of 5,000 soldiers in Iraq is currently $1.95 billion per year, just to prevent the Iraqi government from collapsing. At a tiny fraction of this cost a group of expert meditators practicing the advanced version of Transcendental Meditation known as the TM-Sidhi programme would bring peace to the whole of the Middle East region. If kept in place, a TM peace group would end the brutality and bloodshed on a permanent basis. If you need more convincing please visit our website (details below) where you will find more information about the research. If you need no further convincing please make a difference and sign our petition to these world leaders. Thank you.

Jeremy Old
World Peace Group

Lebanon peace project reduces war deaths by 76% - Journal of Conflict Resolution, 1988

Global Group meditation experiment reduces terrorism by 72%; Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 36 (1-4): 283-302, 2003 http://www.worldpeacegroup.org/article15.html

The first world peace experiment showed a 352% increase in co-operative events in international affairs - Scientific papers on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programme, Collected Papers volume 4, number 322.

Washington crime study shows 23.3% drop in violent crime due to meditating group. Social Indicators Research (vol 47 issue 2: 153-­201, 1999)

Meditating group reduces cortisol in people nearby. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 14: 372, 1988.

Fifty peace research summaries, free download document

f you want to read the full research papers you can buy the scientific papers on Maharishi’s Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi programme, Collected Papers volume 4,

“I think the claim can be plausibly made that the potential impact of this research exceeds that of any other ongoing social or psychological research program. It has survived a broader array of statistical tests than most research in the field of conflict resolution.

This work and the theory that informs it deserve the most serious consideration by academics and policy makers alike.”

David Edwards Ph.D., Professor of Government,
University of Texas at Austin

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