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Give a chance of living to stray dogs in Romania

Give a chance of living to stray dogs in Romania

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This petition has been created by Alexe A. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Alexe A.
started this petition to
President Traian Basescu
It is certainly true that large populations of stray animals can cause problems in urban areas. While many people would view rehabilitation, adoption, and education as an appropriate response to reduce the number of stray dogs on the street, the president of Romania apparently supports a different course of action. Although currently he accepted the law that allows stray dogs to be euthanized.

Although President Basescu argues that the killing of stray dogs is necessary to protect people from bites, logic dictates that this senseless culling of thousands of dogs will do little to solve the root of the problem. Instead of using government funds to euthanize thousands of homeless dogs, the money should be used to rehabilitate the animals and find them homes. Emphasis should also be placed on educating dog owners about spaying and neutering their pets, which will prevent overpopulation of strays to begin with.

Euthanizing dogs is unfortunately necessary sometimes, but it should never be the first option. Mass euthanasia is only a temporary “solution” and will have to repeated when stray populations inevitably reproduce. Please sign this petition to let President Basescu know that euthanizing thousands of dogs is unnecessarily cruel and that there are more effective and humane ways to combat overpopulation of strays.
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