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President Yameen Abdul Gayyom, we demand justice for our brother! : Justice for Yameen Rasheed!

President Yameen Abdul Gayyom, we demand justice for our brother! : Justice for Yameen Rasheed!

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This petition has been created by Samha S. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Samha S.
started this petition to
President Yameen Abdul Gayyom, we demand justice for our brother!
Yameens spirit carries on. Warrior he was ‐ and still is, always will be ‐ for many indigenous people and those who heard his TRUE story .
His dedication and ability to stand strong in the face of adversity eventually lead to his execution. In the last few moments of his life Yameen suffered indignities no human being should ever have to suffer.Yet, even until the end he fought for all that he believed in. Sadly, they took his life after he refused to bow down to cowards.
So PLEASE, SIGN and help us to make this change for Maldives‐ to know their true story about history , to make those who called themselves leaders ‐ to TELL THE TRUTH.
Not confess, admit, not deny or give excuses, make false stories. Just simply tell the truth.
Thank YOU all!

" Single grain of rice can tip the scale..."
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