President of the Maldives, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih: Stop the release of convicted child sexual offender Ibrahim Rasheed
Ishat I.
started this petition to
President of the Maldives, Ibrahim Mohamed Solih
In 2013, Ibrahim Rasheed, Under Secterary of the President's Office at Mohamed Nasheed's Administration, was convicted and sentenced to a 10 year prison sentence for sexual abuse of a 17 year minor. Post sentencing he was transferred to house arrest and proceeded to marrying the victim, claiming it was consensual sexual engagement. Today, 4th December 2018, again after assuming power, the incumbunt administration, President Ibrahim Mohamed Solih has granted clemency and pardoned his sentence. This is largely and normatively seen as unacceptable, under principles of domestic and internal law and treaties. This negates statutory system of protection for such victims and paves way and argubely supports the grave crimes of such perpetrators.
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