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Presidential Candidates, Representatives in Congress, Tax Payers-Voters: Eliminate Dangerous HHS Funding Fueling a War on Children

Presidential Candidates, Representatives in Congress, Tax Payers-Voters: Eliminate Dangerous HHS Funding Fueling a War on Children

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This petition has been created by Melissa B. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Melissa B.
started this petition to
Presidential Candidates, Representatives in Congress, Tax Payers-Voters
Our Kids are Big Money in Politics and Policies that govern our nation and our Custody Courts.

Did you know that tax payers are funding programs to help ex-cons get custody of their children? Yes, rapists and pedophiles are helped by fatherhood.gov funding which is fueling the dangerous decisions by family and dependency court judges. $$$50,000,000,000 is a big incentive for choosing fathering over safety. Stop refunding efforts now!

This funding violates the CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964 – TITLE IX“No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance”.

There is no equal access of funding for mothers...no equal rights for women.

More than 58,000 children a year are taken from safe non-offending, attached mothers and placed in the custody of violent and abusive men during Domestic Violence Divorces as a result of legal maneuvers to insure funding streams to the court.

Children of Domestic Violence need protection. WE must end entitlement programs that are Gender Biased putting Women and Children in danger for loss of contact and worse.

WE need federal Oversight Hearings and Audits on Funding to the Courts.

WE must have Judicial Oversight and retooling of Family Courts to ensure safety and fairness. Addressing Human Rights Violations in Civil Court Proceedings leaves room for the kind of 'kidnapping'; the court-ordered abuse and trafficking that so many families are reporting.

WE need a National Policy on Childhood Safety. 1 in 3 Children are sexually Assaulted before the age of 18 in the US. 31 states allow rapists to sue for custody

WE need leaders who care about Our Children. The Health and Welfare of our Nations Children are in peril. Stop Kids for Cash Programs!!!

WE can create a brighter future together let's Vote Like a Mother! Lets create Kid Safe Programs, lets start with a Resolution on Safety of our Nations Children with a Safe Child Act for children in State Custody.

Example : HB1701, the Safe Child Act, which will protect children in Family Court https://stopabusecampaign.com/hawaii-pass-the-safe-child-act/

Example Resolution and action plan-

A Clear and Present Danger-

Family Court Crisis exposed-

Financial Incentives put children at risk-

Former Court Mediator turned Whistleblower recommend oversight

Breaking the Silence on Children's Stories

The Legal System has ways of quieting the voices of children

American Bar Association on Custody Myths and DV

According to The American Judges Foundation, in 70 percent of cases in which abusive men ask for custody, they succeed in gaining full or joint custody. This national scandal is made possible by the secrecy within the Family Court System and by public disbelief in the scope of the problem. The very system designed to safeguard helpless children has become a national disgrace as injustice has reached epidemic proportions.

Child trafficking through the courts-fox news 'children lost in the system' - #bringlexihome

Traumatic childhood effects have long-term health and social consequences

“How Funding For Fatherhood Programs Harmed Children"


Fatherhood Initiative


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