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PMO_Bangladesh: Please take urgent prompt action to clean up and prevent the spread of 350tonnes spilled oil/ Sunderbans

PMO_Bangladesh: Please take urgent prompt action to clean up and prevent the spread of 350tonnes spilled oil/ Sunderbans

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This petition has been created by save S. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
save S.
started this petition to
Prime Minister of Bangladesh
An oil spill from a crashed tanker carrying 350 tonnes of oil is threatening endangered dolphins, wildlife and the entire ecosystem in Sundarbans, the largest contiguous mangrove forest in the world and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The seepage quickly spread in the Shela and the Pashur rivers and over 20 canals which crisscross the Sundarbans, covering more than 100 kilometers of waterways. As dead bodies of Irrawaddy dolphins start to surface, dead fish begin to float, and birds soaked in oil desperately swim to shore, time is running out. Only an urgent joint campaign by the government with help of international experts can salvage the remaining wildlife. Please sign the petition and notify the supreme authorities in Bangladesh.

Let us unite to preserve our pride, existence and animals in Sundarbans.
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