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Protect The Tana River Delta

Protect The Tana River Delta

This petition is closed
50 Supporters

Dave S.
started this petition to
The Kenyan Minister for Environment: psoffice@environment.go.ke, CC The Chairman of Kenyan National Environment Management Authority: fkaparo@yahoo.com
The Tana River Delta in Kenya has amazing biodiversity, vast tourism potential and importance to birds that migrate from Europe and Asia. The Delta is at threat from foreign companies taking over land for dubious agricultural schemes. In particular, the Canadian company Bedford Biofuels is trying to grow the biofuel crop Jatropha curcas in the Tana Delta.

A joint study by Nature Kenya, the RSPB, and Action Aid, has shown that growing Jatropha curcas release more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere than will be saved by using it instead of fossil fuel. Given the potentially devastating impacts of this development on the biodiversity and wildlife in the area, we are seeking to ask that the Kenyan Government to cancel the Bedford licence to grow Jatropha in the Tana Delta and to ensure further licences are not granted to grow Jatropha in environmentally sensitive places.

Please take a minute to add your name to the petition. For more information please see the RSPB website..


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