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Qantas: Stop shipping hunting trophies

Qantas: Stop shipping hunting trophies

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This petition has been created by Donalea P. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Donalea P.
started this petition to

We've seen several airlines and your flying partner Emirates take the timely and visionary step in saving Africa's wildlife by making the decision to stop the shipping of trophies and animal body parts.

For the Love of Wildlife , an Australian grass roots organisation has been successful in getting the Federal Government in banning the importation of lion trophies and body parts into Australia as a direct response to the cruel and barbaric industry of canned hunting. Minister Hunt created a blanket ban to have impact on the diminishing wild lion population and with that Australia created a global first.
A disallowance motion was unsuccessfully tabled in the Senate in August but what we love is Minister Simon Birmingham telling the world that after the tragic death of Cecil, airlines had acted accordingly after the outrage.

Qantas , please join this positive action and help stop the siege on Africa's wildlife. So many species are racing to extinction and time is running out.

Businesses are being rewarded with global support when they show they care and act compassionately, going over and above what is a standard regulation. Trophy hunting may be legal, but with so many species racing to extinction, it's time for social responsibility, acting from a moral and ethical code.

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