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Queensland Government and Origin Energy - Stop the Toxic Black Rain from "Ironbark" Coal Seam Gas Project immediately

Queensland Government and Origin Energy - Stop the Toxic Black Rain from "Ironbark" Coal Seam Gas Project immediately

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This petition has been created by Robert R. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Robert R.
started this petition to
Premier Campbell Newman
Since August 2nd, 2013, residents across the road from Origin Energy's "Ironbark" coal seam gas Project near Kogan, Western Downs, Queensland, Australia, have been showered continuously by an unknown toxic black substance emanating from the project site. The mystery substance, which has so far rained down over thousands of acres, contaminating bushland, farmland and domestic water supplies, is accompanied by feelings of nausea, skin and eye irritation, and chronic lethargy. Despite repeated complaints to Origin Energy and several departments of the Queensland State Government, so far the only officials to have approached the residents about this problem are the local police, wanting to know if the residents are going to stage a protest. Origin Energy must either cease operations at "Ironbark" until the toxic black rain can be eliminated, or move local residents out of the hazard zone immediately at company expense.
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