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Roman Catholic Church: Stop Hiding Children of Catholic Priests & Religious.

Roman Catholic Church: Stop Hiding Children of Catholic Priests & Religious.

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This petition has been created by Alex B. and may not represent the views of the Avaaz community.
Alex B.
started this petition to
Roman Catholic Church
We call upon the Catholic Church, to enact the recommendations of the United Nations Children's Rights Commission which states as follows...

The Committee is concerned about the situation of children fathered by Catholic
priests, who, in many cases, are not aware of the identity of their fathers.

The Committee is
also concerned that the mothers may obtain a plan for regular payment from the Church
until the child is financially independent only if they sign a confidentiality agreement not to
disclose any information about the child’s father or the plan.
The Committee recommends that the Holy See assess the number of children
fathered by Catholic priests, find out who they are and take all necessary measures to
ensure that the rights of those children to know and to be cared for by their fathers is
respected, as appropriate.

The Committee also recommends that the Holy See ensure
that churches no longer impose confidentiality agreements as a condition to providing
mothers with financial plans to support their children.

C.F.:  http://tbinternet.ohchr.org/Treaties/CRC/Shared%20Documents/VAT/CRC_C_VAT_CO_2_16302_E.pdf  section 33 & 34.

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